Bampton Town Council

Flood Protection and Management

This page will be added to by Bampton's flood protection group.

One important link for those living in the flood prone area near the river bridge is the Environment Agency automatic monitoring of the River Batherm - you can see immediately the state of the river - here.

The image on the right shows the river level at the end of November 2012 when minor flooding occurred.

More general information on flooding can be found at Environment Agency Flood website.

The floodline number is: 0845 988 1188
You can arrange to have flood warnings for your area sent automatically by phone, mobile, text, or email.

A list of resources for flood protection schemes is the National Flood Forum 'Blue Pages' - download a copy here.

Bampton Leading Flood Warden:

Richard Brooker


Documents associated with the Bampton Flood Plan can be downloaded:

Bampton Flood Response Plan - April 2013

Annex A - Communication

Annex B - Flood Response team: Actions

Annex C(a) - Co-ordinator

Annex C(b) - Wardens

Annex D - Equipment


Bampton Heritage & Visitor Centre