Bampton in Devon

Bampton in Devon

Council news here

Eve's Cartoons (4)

Things Ecclesiastical (Page 1)

Things temporal - including the churchyard

Bells, flowers, and other matters

Parish council matters


Bampton Parish Council

The Parish Council are in session

Safety in changing a light bulb

How many church-wardens does it Take to change a light bulb?

With due regard to Health & safety...

care in the churchyard

Care for the environment in the churchyard

Ray 'Clouseau' Kenny

Ray ('Clouseau') Kenny
keeps the sides-persons on their toes

Children help in the churchyard

The children help in the churchyard

Mr Todd was unable to keep up with the grass

...but when the grass grows very quickly...

Lively debate

A good spirit of debate on the subject of women priests

One little vicar, sitting on the wall...

Not enough vicars for all our churches

Hymn/prayer sandwiches

Hymn/prayer sandwiches?

The Vicar has the last word

... and the vicar does, you know


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