Bampton in Devon

WeatherBampton - Local Climate

The weather in the south west is one of the mildest in the UK, warmed by the Gulf Stream. Indeed, some areas on the south coast have micro-climates enabling the growing of some exotic species of plants. You will find, for instance, palm trees growing on the south Devon coast in Torquay!

By contrast, on the top of Exmoor or Dartmoor, the weather is significantly cooler and wetter.

Bampton, in mid Devon, benefits from being just off the south east edge of Exmoor, being significantly drier and warmer than just a few miles away. The long-term climate figures shown below are from data for Exeter given on the UK Met Office website (the Met Office is now in Exeter). The figures are averaged from 1961-1990.

Weather bar charts for Bampton area

Bampton Rainfall

Actual rainfall figures are given on our download table. The average figures are from the Met Office SW England and S Wales, and Bampton 2004-2017

DOWNLOAD the Rainfall Figures 2010 to present month - HERE


A few key rainfall events:


Bampton Heritage & Visitor Centre

Walkers are welcome

Tourist Information