Bampton in Devon

Bampton in Devon

Council news here

Award-winning Site

Bampton was delighted to receive an award in 2001 from the Village of the Year Competition - I.T. Category. It was sponsored by Calor Gas and the Daily Telegraph.

Award presentation in Bampton

On the left is Roslyn representing CPRE presenting the Devon plaque to Humphrey and Joan.

These awards were given for several areas where I.T. is promoted in Bampton:

This web-site, used to promote and inform, and to attract visitors to the town.

BACON courses in the local primary school, providing the opportunity for adults to learn IT skills.

The 'cyber-library' which provides a computer for people to use.

Find out more by exploring 'BACON' or Library on this web-site!



The winning award for South West and Western England (which covers six counties) was presented at an awards ceremony at the Millennium Hotel in Grosvenor Square in London - John Humphrys acted as Compere, and the guest of honour was the Prince of Wales.

Award Ceremony in London

The photo shows the two representatives of Bampton (centre) flanked by the two national IT Judges.

We are indebited to our local organisers from Devon CPRE and Devon Community Council for all their support.

Calor Gas
Link to CPRE
Link to Community Council of Devon

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